Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Copy of the Notarized Letter

The following letter was written by the recanting victim and notarized through Terpening's attorney, Joe Eldred, and happened a few days before I started writing for this case. This letter can be compared to the September 2011 transcripts provided by the prosecution team. What is ironic, is the transcripts were words that had already taken place in court, prior to the recants.

What is very apparent was the pressure the victim was experiencing from Jamie Moore Bell and Judith Faye, an alleged child advocate, to take back the story, in hopes of getting Terpening's charges dropped. The transcripts clearly point out complaints made to the prosecution due to Judith's following Rodney on numerous occasions, even when he was in protective custody.

December 22, 2011.

To Whom it May Concern:

My name is Rodney Neil Reames II. I am a former resident at EARTH ServicelHouse Next Door. In May of 2011 Brian XXXXXXX and I fabricated a story, to be removed from EARTH Services/House Next Door. In our discussion we planned to make up a story regarding false/inappropriate actions against Michael Terpening. He was chosen
because he was the highest power at EARTH Services. The secluded discussions were a process of 2 to 3 days between the Brian and I. We determined to lie about Michael Terpening and say the he had committed sexual acts against us. These accusations are false.
In July of 2011 I went to see Joe Eldred, Michael Terpening's Attorney. I made a statement at that time, under oath and notarized. When the Barry County Prosecution received notice of this letter they disregarded it. They continued with their plans to have me witness against Michael Terpening regardless of my statements. There were threats against me, telling me that I would be charged with perjury if I continued with my recantment. As a 19 year old it was very frightening to be told this.
In September I was called to take the stand against Michael Terpening, they continued with their threat of perjury charges. If I refused to take the stand altogether I would be charged with contempt of court. I felt as though I was being stuck between a rock and a hard place. I wanted to tell the truth, that Michael Terpening had never touched me in an inappropriate manner. With the threat of Prosecution, I told a lie under oath on stand. I
also told, under oath that I would tell a lie on the stand, in regards to Michael Terpening. I had already informed the Prosecution that I had lied in May, I wanted to rectify the lies that I had previously said about Michael, but was unable to on stand.
I had planned on telling the truth to the News 8, Ken Kolker. I had a meeting with Jessica Payne, Prosecutor who called me after spending a few days with Judith Faye. I had told Judith that I had a sick friend and had to return home. When I went in to meet with Jessica they told me I was being witness tampered by Judith Faye and put me up in the bed and breakfast until the day of court. They had held my phone so I couldn't make
phone calls or contact anyone. They provided me with anything I asked for as well as items, such as cigarettes that I didn't ask for. I was also allowed to smoke in the court building. The Bed and Breakfast was not paid for by me.
In the few days prior to going on stand, I was visited several times by the policeman of Hastings as well as visited by David Bannister/ Prosecutor at the Bed and Breakfast, who also brought me a pack of cigarettes. They were worried about my well being, to see if I was safe and contacted by anyone else. They also encouraged me not to call my voice mail. I have never felt threatened, intimidated, coerced or manipulated by Judith Faye or
Jamie Moore-Bell or Laura Underwood as the Prosecution wants to believe. During the time in which I made accusations (May 2011) against Michael Terpening I was not on my medication which includes Depakote, Seroquil, Lisinopril, Nexium, Minocycline two of these are Psychotropic medications, if not taken will cause mood
swings, impulse reactions, lack of impulse control also affect mood causing either manic or depression. Lack of Seroquil will cause lack of sleep which could set off my bi-polar, also cause unstable moods. When medications are not taken I become very susceptible to the suggestions of others as well as being influenced by others. I was diagnosed by a Physician Dr. Tataini, as being Bi-polar, histrionic personality disorder, gender identity
disorder as well as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
I do not believe that Michael Terpening had any inappropriate relationships with Brian XXXXXXX. If any inappropriate behavior did occur, I believe, that Brian XXXXXXX would become extremely violent. Brian has a complete disregard for authority and would become violent to anyone, especially Michael because Michael was' Authority'. Brian was a 'homophobe' meaning that if someone forced themselves on him in a homosexual
manner he would 'flip a nut'. Brian had stated that he had made these type of accusations against previous family, to be removed from their care. It didn't take a whole lot of convincing from Brian since I was
off my meds. Also, Mary Jordan (caseworker) was supposed allow visitation from my ex-boyfriend, Jeff XXXXXXX she was taking her time in allowing it to happen. I believed at the time that Michael Terpening was the one preventing me from seeing him, I took out the butt end of my anger and beliefs, which were directed at Michael.
Every accusation that was made by me, Rodney Neil Reames II is completely false, nothing untoward has ever occurred between Michael and I. I have been forced by the Prosecution to lie on stand with the threat of charges being brought against me, I cannot lie about these accusations any longer. I am asking that someone believe my words as they are true, I do not want to get into any trouble for telling the truth. I feel very badly about how far these accusations have gone and the trouble they have caused to Michael Terpening and his family.



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