Thursday, April 12, 2012

Jerry Bell's Arrest for Domestic Violence

Leave it to Jerry to get drunk and microwave movies for dinner! lol. This is the same man who recently told someone else about Jamie being angry and the humor he got out of it. 

Do not misunderstand me, I do not agree with domestic violence. But this phone call is interesting and says a few things about Jamie Moore Bell and Jerry Bell.

  • She is unbelievably calm for someone who is calling 911 for domestic violence. She has been down this road before. Is this routine behavior with Jamie and Jerry?
  • She appears to know the "Get Away" procedure and removes herself from the situation, placing herself into a bedroom alone to make the all to Barry County dispatch.
  • I have periodically lived in the same neighborhood as Jamie for 14 years. When you call 911, Michigan State Police are going to show up at your house to answer the call. Much slander and verbal assaults were made by the Followers for several months. Each officer in this case has had his Facebook profile looked at (or attempted). 
  • Jerry must have serious reasons for why he had a profile at, which was deleted right after I found it. I did get a screen shot of it, though. When I confronted her on Facebook, her response (politely) was that she did not care. 

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